
Demonstrations Everywhere in France Against “the Culture of Rape En Marche”

Posted on the 11 July 2020 by Harsh Sharma @harshsharma9619


(Toulouse) Several thousand demonstrators protested Friday in Paris and in several other French cities against the appointment this week to the government of Gérald Darmanin, accused of rape, and Eric Dupond-Moretti, very critical of the movement #metoo.

Published on 10 July 2020 in 17 h 22

France Media Agency

The government reshuffle that took place on Monday in France has promoted the head of the Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin, 37 years, a rising figure of the French right, close to former President Nicolas Sarkozy, and who was accused in 2017 rape by a woman who had sought her intervention to settle a legal dispute in 2009.

“We are here to demand the resignation of part of the government. When I learned of these appointments, I cried because I myself was the victim of a rape, for myself as for all the victims, it is an insult, “affirmed in the crowd gathered in front of the Palace of justice of Toulouse (southwest) Anouck Lagarrige, an employee of the culture sector of 22 Years, in the middle of about 300 people.

Demonstrations everywhere in France against “the culture of rape En Marche”


The new Minister of the Interior, Gérald Darmanin, 37 years, a rising figure of the French right, was accused in 2017 of rape by a woman who had sought her intervention to settle a legal dispute in 2009.

“Welcome to the rape ministry!” “,” Rapists in prison, not in government! “,” An interior rapist, an accomplice to Justice! “In Toulouse,” We get up and fight! “,” Shame change! “,” Stop impunity! “In Lille (north),” The anger of women is booming! “In the capital,” a rapist inside, let's take the secateurs “in Saint-Etienne (center-east): the signs held up left no doubt about the indignation of the demonstrators, mostly women.

“The presumption of innocence is easily brandished when it affects heterosexual white men, if tomorrow any of us were to admit to being accused of rape during a job interview, I doubt that he would have the job “, notes Alain Ranaivonjatovo, an employee of 26 who also demonstrated In Toulouse.

The demonstrators were a thousand gathered on the forecourt of the City Hall in Paris, also at the call of the feminist collective #NousAll.

While the demonstrators chanted “shame! Shame! “, Feminist activist Caroline de Haas said:” We are not waiting for the resignation (of the government), we are no longer expecting anything. ”

Demonstrations everywhere in France against “the culture of rape En Marche”


The new Minister of Justice, Éric Dupond-Moretti

Seven hundred people also demonstrated in Nantes (west), 600 in Bordeaux (south-west) and 500 in Lyon (east center).

In Grenoble, in the Alps, a black coffin, on which was written “RIP the great cause of the quinquennium”, equality between women and men, was symbolically placed in front of the entrance to the Palais de Justice.

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