Yesterday, I showed you the overall result of two polls taken on Trump's honesty. Both polls showed a significant majority of the public did NOT think Trump was an honest person. Today, I show you the demographic breakdown of both of those polls. Note that in both polls there is only one group with more people saying Trump is honest than say he's dishonest -- Republicans. All other groups show just the opposite -- with more people saying he's dishonest than say he's honest.
The top chart reflects the results of the latest Public Policy Polling survey -- done between July 14th and 17th of a random national sample of 836 registered voters, with a 3.4 point margin of error.
The bottom chart reflects the results of the latest Economist / YouGov Poll -- done between July 15th and 18th of a random national sample of 1,500 adults (including 1,273 registered voters), with a 3 point margin of error.