James Comey's book is coming out, and that seems to be all the media wants to talk about. They are reveling in Comey calling Trump a liar, and Trump returning the favor through his tweets -- and both men making personal attacks on the other.
The media is presenting this ridiculous debacle as something on which the public must choose sides -- either to side with Comey or to side with Trump. I think that's hogwash. I don't want to side with either of these deeply flawed individuals -- and I don't think other Democrats should. To put it bluntly, Democrats don't really have a dog in this fight.
Remember, while head of the FBI, Comey (for the first time in American history) involved that organization in a political fight. Just a couple of weeks before the presidential election, he announced to the voting public that he was opening another investigation into Hillary Clinton's use of e-mails. He had no proof of wrongdoing, and he had to know such an announcement was likely to affect the election. It was wrong and he should have been fired. And the fact that he's now at war with Trump doesn't excuse his actions.
Refusing to side with the incompetent Comey doesn't mean you have to side with Trump. Trump is a terrible president, and has set new heights of dishonesty, corruption, and incompetence for that office.
Neither Comey nor Trump has earned the respect or trust of Democrats (or any other decent Americans). Don't accept the media's false choice in this matter. Trump and Comey can argue all they want, and say what they want about each other -- and it doesn't matter at all.
Only one person's opinion matters -- Robert Mueller. I'm going to stay out of the Comey-Trump fight, and wait for the word from Mueller. I urge other Democrats to do the same. There's a much bigger chance that he will give us the truth.