Business Magazine

Democracy That Delivers #88: Group 484 on Refugees in Serbia

Posted on the 10 October 2017 by Center For International Private Enterprise @CIPEglobal

This week's podcast features Vladimir Petronijevic, executive director, and Miroslava Jelacic, legal analyst, with Group 484-a nonprofit organization founded in Serbia in 1995 to support 484 refugee families. Working with migrants, local communities, and the government, Group 484 has assisted over 100,000 people in more than 70 Serbian towns through the years.

The majority of the country's refugees are from Syria, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Iran. Petronijevic said the Serbian government has had a favorable response to refugees, pointing to 17 temporary housing centers holding about 4,000 refugees. The housing centers are funded by the government and civil society organizations.

While many refugees in Serbia plan to move to other European countries, others hope to become Serbian citizens. Jelacic discussed the process for refugees to become citizens.

Visit Group 484's website for more information on the organization's work and support programs.

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