Dell Inspiron on Thursday launched the new Inspiron 24-inch All-In-One (AIO) desktop in India. This desktop is specially designed keeping students and creators in mind. Talking about the specification, it is equipped with 13th Gen Intel Core processor. For video calling, it has an FHD (1080p) camera, which can be rotated from 0⁰ to 20⁰. Dual 5W speakers have been provided for audio in it.
Dell Inspiron 24-inch All-In-One (AIO) Price in India
The company has fixed the price of Dell Inspiron 24-inch All-In-One (AIO) desktop in India at Rs 56,490. Its sale will start from 24 April 2023, which you will be able to buy through the company’s website. It has 2 color options Pearl White and Assent Solid.
Dell Inspiron 24-inch All-In-One (AIO) Specifications
A 24-inch FHD IPS display is available in this desktop, with thin bezels on all four sides. Its display comes with touchscreen option. The company claims that this laptop will provide great experience to the users in learning, entertainment and media exploring.
Apart from this, a pop-up camera has been provided for video calling in this laptop, in which you will get the option of Tilt. As mentioned, it is a FHD (1080p) pop-up camera that can be rotated from 0⁰ to 20⁰. Talking about audio, it has dual 5W speakers which come with Dolby Atmos support.
Also it is equipped with the latest 13th Gen Intel Core processors, including 13th Gen Intel Core i3-1315U with Intel UHD UMA graphics, 13th Gen Intel Core i5-1335U with Intel Iris Xe graphics and 13th Generation Intel Core The i7-1355U comes with Iris Xe graphics. With this, options of 256GB, 512GB and 1TB storage have been given. With this, options of 8GB RAM and 16GB RAM are available. This desktop works on Microsoft Windows 11 operating system. It has a power adapter of 90W.
As for the processor, there is a choice of 13th Gen Intel Core i3-1315U with integrated Intel UHD UMA graphics, 13th Gen Intel Core i5-1335U with integrated Intel Iris Xe graphics, and 13th Generation Intel Core i7-1355U with integrated Iris Xe. graphics. The top-end variant is offered with a discrete Nvidia GeForce MX 550 graphics card with 2GB GDDR6 vRAM.
In terms of ports, it includes 1x USB 3.2 Gen 2 Type A, 3 x USB 3.2 Gen 1 Type A, RJ-45 gigabit port, SD Card Reader 3.0, microphone/headset jack, DC power, HDMI-In, HDMI-out (1.4), and 1 x USB 3.2 Gen 2 Type-C on etc. are given.