
Delicious Chocolate Covered Pretzels

Posted on the 16 December 2019 by Thefoodellers

These chocolate covered pretzels are made with pretzel twists coated in chocolate and topped with sprinkles. A fun and easy snack to make at home!

We love making candies at home and we love to experiment: these chocolate covered pretzels are certainly a fun and easy snack to make at home! Imagine how fun it is to make these candies and give them to your guests: for us, given the constant lack of time, they've been savage.

We started making them for Christmas but now we make every time we can and customize based on the specific occasion.

What do you need to make covered pretzels?

Just pretzels, dark or white chocolate and sprinkles. No more, no less. You can go for candy melts if you prefer to give your pretzels an even more sweet taste, but it's definitely up to you. Chocolate makes its job perfectly, trust us!

How to make these chocolate covered pretzels?

First of all, melt the chocolate in a microwave or in a bain Marie. Then dip the pretzels in the chocolate and dust with sprinkles. The next step is waiting for them to dry! Easy, isn't it?

This is a foolproof recipe for perfectly covered pretzels. After the recipe, a few recommendations for you.

Ingredients for 30

  • 200 grams of 70% dark chocolate
  • 30 hard pretzels
  • Sprinkles / Candies / Sweet sauces


  1. Melt the chocolate in a bain-marie or in the microwave (for 30 seconds).
  2. Soak half of each pretzel in the melted chocolate.
  3. Arrange the pretzels on a wire rack and sprinkle with sugared almonds, sugar or anything else.
  4. Transfer the wire rack to the fridge to cool the chocolate.
  5. Serve the pretzels when the chocolate is completely dry.

Preparation time: 10 minutes

Cooking time: 3 minutes

Total time: 13 minutes

What type of pretzels do I have to use?

We recommend using medium-sized hard pretzels l because the little ones are difficult to dip and the ones are too big. You can also use pretzels sticks, because why not?

What type of chocolate do you use for dipping pretzels?

The dark chocolate has to be at least 70% and the reason is simple: once soaked in chocolate, the pretzels will be covered with sprinkles flakes that will make them sweet but not too much, creating the necessary contrast between salt, bitter chocolate, and precisely sugar.

What type of sprinkles do you use?

You can use any type of sprinkles that you like. Do not limit yourself to traditional sprinkles: you may go for chopped nuts or even shredded coconut.

Any other idea for dipping the pretzels?

For an even more delicious result, you can melt some chocolate bars (like Mars, Snickers and similar) and soak the pretzels. You can also soak the entire pretzel in chocolate if you prefer a delicious and very chocolaty cake.

How do you make sure the pretzels dry fast?

You must use a wire rack to allow the pretzels to dry and prevent them from sticking; you can also line a baking sheet with baking paper or aluminum one but the risk is that once ready, the pretzels will break because of the adhesion of the chocolate to the paper.

How long do these pretzels last?

The chocolate pretzels are kept very well for weeks but only if stored in hermetic containers large enough and in the refrigerator; the chocolate may melt slightly so the pretzels could stick. If this happens, detach them with your hands, being careful not to break them.

Bonus: use the pretzels in a different way

Use your pretzels to decorate the Christmas tree along with dried oranges and cookies: the temptation to eat them while you're hanging them is so much but the end result, if you do not yield, is fabulous!

Article written by Veruska Anconitano aka La Cuochina Sopraffina. If you want more information please contact us.

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