Marketing & Advertising Magazine

DeleteMe Pricing: How Much Does DeleteMe Cost?

Posted on the 01 June 2022 by Jitendra Vaswani @JitendraBlogger

Your personally identifiable information may be obtained and used for commercial purposes even without your consent. In this video, Josh examines the benefits and drawbacks of utilizing the services offered by DeleteMe in order to remove your digital footprint.

Personal information can be removed from data broker websites using DeleteMe. Your information is kept and sold by a number of brokers, including, among others, including:

DeleteMe Pricing: How Much Does DeleteMe Cost?

You have the ability to manually request that these broker sites erase your data, and they are required to comply with your request; nevertheless, the process is time-consuming.

DeleteMe is tempting since it takes care of everything for you behind the scenes. But does it destroy data? Is there a justification for the annual cost?

Pros & Cons

I'll go into the benefits and drawbacks of using DeleteMe after I've demonstrated how it operates.


The process of deleting data manually consumes a lot of time. DeleteMe makes everything easier to understand.

The erasure of data was successful, as evidenced by the fact that several websites deleted the personal information I had provided to them.

Privacy advisor: I appreciate the fact that I can send them a website that contains my information and have them delete it and monitor it.

This service is not without its flaws, including the following:


Pricing and Organization: The price of DeleteMe's manual service is higher than I would prefer.

Trust is necessary since you have to provide them with your personal information so that they can locate and remove the content.

The initial report did not arrive until after a week had passed. Do not count on DeleteMe for assistance in a critical situation.

I have a lot of positive feelings about what I went through because the pros far outweigh the drawbacks.

Due to the fact that I place a high value on both my time and my privacy, the expense was justified. If you found this information to be useful, I recommend using the following affiliate link:

DeleteMe Pricing

DeleteMe Pricing: How Much Does DeleteMe Cost?

The cost of using DeleteMe is $11 per month or $129 per year. IDX Privacy costs $79.95 annually and includes Forget Me in addition to additional features that protect users' privacy. Only broker sites that have an automated opt-out system are handled by IDX Privacy.

DeleteMe employs human personnel for the locations in which automation is unable to function properly. Even if a service clears those brokers that respond to automation, larger brokers that require human intervention can still pick you up from the ones that don't respond to automation.

Larger brokers demand human involvement.

Final Thought on DeleteMe Pricing

Abine DeleteMe is a service that, when used, will remove all of your personal information from the databases of dozens of aggregators. You are able to opt-out yourself, and you should continue to check in case the website collects your data in the future.

If you want to make it difficult for unrelated individuals and corporations to obtain your personal information, you can purchase DeleteMe for a little under 11 dollars every month.

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