On Wednesday, Steven Ertelt at LifeNews, reported that Delaware Planned Parenthood clinic was under investigation over multiple botched abortion at that clinic.
A Planned Parenthood abortion business in Delaware has been closed pending an investigation over multiple botched abortions at the clinic.
As LifeNews has reported, the Delaware Planned Parenthood clinic has experienced five botched abortion emergencies in less than five weeks. Since then, one abortionist and two employees have left Planned Parenthood in Wilmington, Delaware, as a result of the scandal.
The clinic is now under the investigation of the Delaware Department of Health and Social Services and the Delaware Board of Medical Licensure and Discipline. According to the Planned Parenthood website, surgical abortions will be referred to “another provider” but the abortion drug will still be sold to women.
Jayne Mitchell-Werbrich and Joyce Vasikonis told WPVI-TV of a “meat-market style of assembly-line abortions where the abortionist refused to wear gloves, surgical instruments were reused without being cleaned, and “bloody drainage” remained on abortion tables between procedures, exposing women to blood-borne diseases.”
“It was just unsafe. I can’t tell you how ridiculously unsafe it was,” said Mitchell-Werbrich. “Planned Parenthood needs to close its doors, it needs to be cleaned up, the staff needs to be trained.”
Werbrich alleges conditions inside the facility were unsanitary. “He didn’t wear gloves,” said Werbrich. She also worried that that women could be at risk of contracting hepatitis or AIDS.
In light of the Kermit Gosnell trial and the information that had his clinic been inspected and the state of Pennsylvania done it's due diligence, he would have been stopped years ago from murdering born alive babies, if not decades, it is worrisome to see the Delaware Department of Health and Services admit they do not conduct routine inspections either.
“This is another example of how the conditions described at Gosnell’s House of Horrors exist as a matter of routine in abortion clinics around the country,” said Sullenger.
Mary Peterson of the Delaware Department of Health and Services indicated that they rarely inspect abortion clinics in that state. “I’m not going to lie to you, we don’t have the manpower to do routine inspections,” she said.Since January 4th, five patients allegedly have been rushed from the facility to the emergency room, again placing the clinic in the spotlight.(Source- ABC )
“As long as the authorities neglect their duty to protect the public, these kinds of horrific conditions will continue to endanger women at Planned Parenthood and other abortion clinics there,” said Sullenger. “Protecting the public health is the primary duty of the Department of Health. It’s unbelievable that it could claim it is incapable of doing its job. It sounds like there needs to be a housecleaning at the Department of Health as well as the abortion mill.”
Two days reports came out that Planned Parenthood has suspended in-clinic abortion services for the next few weeks in the wake of some staffing changes at the Wilmington health center, officials said.
Recent headlines regarding Planned Parenthood facilities include but are not limited to;
Lawsuit: Planned Parenthood Forced, Then Botched Abortion (Then left baby parts inside of the patient)
Planned Parenthood Faces New Lawsuit for Killing Woman in Abortion
Planned Parenthood Tries to Hide Botched Abortion Injuring Woman
Also recently-- Alisa Laport Snow, a lobbyist representing the Florida Alliance of Planned Parenthood Affiliates, during testimony, caught on video, answered a question about babies born alive after a botched abortion and what should be done in PP's opinion and she stated it should be up to the "he woman, her family, and the physician," as to whether that living child be given medical attention. (Video here)
"So, um, it is just really hard for me to even ask you this question because I’m almost in disbelief," said Rep. Jim Boyd. "If a baby is born on a table as a result of a botched abortion, what would Planned Parenthood want to have happen to that child that is struggling for life?”
"We believe that any decision that's made should be left up to the woman, her family, and the physician," said Planned Parenthood lobbyist Snow.
Gosnell, Planned Parenthood, are both prime examples why state inspectors should be routinely inspecting these facilities as they do other businesses.
Related PP News:
According to an updated Alliance Defending Freedom report, Planned Parenthood facilities across the country are accused of abuse and rampant fraud:
Via The New American: (The entire article is a must-read)
The report offers details on 12 known audits or other reviews of the financial data of Planned Parenthood affiliates, along with over 40 audits of state family planning programs and organizations. According to the ADF, those audits uncovered a total of more than $108 million in waste, abuse, and potential fraud.
The updated report also outlines several whistleblower lawsuits against Planned Parenthood affiliates around the nation. In one, Washington resident Jonathan Bloedow used state open records requests to uncover what he alleges are at least 50,000 false claims by Planned Parenthood of the Great Northwest to Washington State's Department of Social and Health Services and its Health and Recovery Services Administration for reimbursement on oral contraceptives. Total damages for the alleged fraud could top $377 million, the ADF report said.
In Texas, former Planned Parenthood clinic director Abby Johnson filed a suit against the abortion giant's Houston and Southeast Texas affiliate alleging “at least 87,075 false, fraudulent, or ineligible claims with the Texas Women’s Health Program,” reads the ADF report. “As a result, Planned Parenthood wrongfully received and retained reimbursements totaling more than $5.7 million.”
In a third lawsuit, continues the report, “former Planned Parenthood clinic manager Sue Thayer alleged that Planned Parenthood’s Iowa affiliate knowingly committed Medicaid fraud from 2002 to 2009 by filing nearly one half million false claims with Medicaid for products and services not legally reimbursable, from which Planned Parenthood received and retained nearly $28 million.”
And in a fourth legal action, Victor Gonzalez, who served as vice president of finance and administration (CFO) for Planned Parenthood of Los Angeles, alleges that the Planned Parenthood affiliate received improper Medicaid reimbursements far in excess of $200,000,000 after improperly billing the federal program for oral contraceptives and contraceptive devices.
The updated ADF report urges Congress to continue its investigation into the misuse of tax dollars by Planned Parenthood and other “family planning” groups. The ultimate goal is the complete federal defunding of Planned Parenthood.
Last but not least, the kicker: "Planned Parenthood receives record amount of taxpayer support ."
Planned Parenthood reported receiving a record $542 million in taxpayer support in fiscal 2012, marking a steady increase in government funding despite Republican-led efforts at the state and federal levels to cut off that stream.Botched abortions, unsanitary conditions, lawsuits over the death of patients, rampant abuse and fraud and American taxpayers are paying for it.
The funding figures were included in the abortion provider's annual report released Monday. The numbers showed roughly 45 percent of Planned Parenthood's budget now comes from taxpayer dollars.
Pro-life groups quickly seized on the report to renew their calls for Congress to "defund" Planned Parenthood.
"Americans are sick and tired of underwriting the nation's largest abortion business," said Marjorie Dannenfelser, president of the Susan B. Anthony List.
Republican Tennessee Rep. Diane Black said the report "underscores the pressing need to cut off all federal funding for Planned Parenthood."