Deirdra has spent the last decade captivating audiences of all ages with her Amazon Bestselling novels and fairy tales. Her specialty is the paranormal theology that delves into documented historical phenomenon and natural disasters of biblical proportions that entice indulgence of a fine line between fact and fantasy.

1. When did you first realize you wanted to be a writer?
I've always been a story teller, but I started working on The Watchers when I was 15. That was almost 20 years ago.
2. How long does it take you to write a book?
I'm a very slow writer. It takes me many years. I had, at least, the first draft of the whole series done before I even published the first book so the books can still come out in relatively rapid succession.
3. What is your work schedule like when you're writing?
I write when I can and stay balanced with family, church and other responsibilities. I never write on Sunday, but sometimes I get up at 3 A.M.to write.

I psych myself out so much and worry.
5. How do books get published?
Check out my blog www.astorybookworld.com See this post here: http://www.astorybookworld.com/2015/01/q-letter-from-aspireing-author.html
6. Where do you get your information or ideas for your books?
They just come to me. Dreams, suddenly being hit by a realization and lots of real life stuff that is actually happening.
7. When did you write your first book and how old were you? I published my first book when I was 19. It wasn't very good and I wish I would have held it back until it was more ready.
8. What do you like to do when you're not writing?

9. What does your family think of your writing?
They are super supportive. Especially my husband. That is really all any of them know since I've been doing this for so long. They know it's just part of my everyday life.
10. What was one of the most surprising things you learned in creating your books?
Just how much God is involved in our personal journey in life. Things happen for a reason and everything will work out in the end.
11. How many books have you written? Which is your favorite?
I've written about twelve now, but only half will ever be published. The Watchers series is my favorite.

Follow http://www.astorybookworld.com/ Work on being a great person and your own character development and everything will fall into place.
13. Do you hear from your readers much? What kinds of things do they say?
Yes, I hear from lots of readers. It's all good, but I try not to let it affect me too much because then it puts tons of pressure on me and I wonder if the next book in the series will be as good or if it will let people down.
14. Do you like to create books for adults? Yes, but age appropriate for everyone.
15. What do you think makes a good story?
Positive relatable characters, sensory, a quick moving story with a purpose.
16. As a child, what did you want to do when you grew up?

17. What Would you like my readers to know? Fight for your dreams and always have hope. About the book In England, 1270 A.D., Aura flees her village after being accused of witchcraft and sentenced to death. Pursued by creatures of darkness, she struggles to accept the truth about her humanity and choose what side of an eternal war she will fight. Filled with fairies, dwarves, pixies, dragons, and epic villains, Knight of Light is an enthralling tale that will capture the imaginations of readers young and old. The Watchers Series; has been described as Braveheart meets Supernatural. The mythology for the series is based on many theological texts from dozens of sects with correlating themes. Ancient writings include the Dead Sea Scrolls, the Traditional Apocrypha, the Pearl of Great Price and the Kabbalah. The Watchers are supernatural beings in human form whose duty it is to protect and guard mankind from the armies of darkness. Unfortunately, as the Book of Enoch mentions, some of these Watchers go bad. Deirdra Eden's, The Watcher's Series, is written in a traditional fairytale style with a young girl's discovery of incredible, but dangerous powers within herself, a cast of humorous side-kicks, a quest for greater self-discovery and purpose, and villains of epic proportions. Amazon page: http://www.amazon.com/Deirdra-Eden/e/B00M5EW2AA/ref=dp_byline_cont_book_1 Book Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m-RxVN_FKL8 Official Website: http://www.Knightess.com/