The first Degustabox of 2016 came with a slight international theme with a few products from different places. The box also contained lots of healthy and low fat goodies to help get in shape for the new year. Here is what was inside.
These are Slim noodles at £2.49 a pack.

Jordans country crisp £2.69

Conscious chocolate £3.00

Also in the box

Amoy taste of Asia £1.79 - A selection of easy cook cooking sauces. A Thai green curry and Malaysian taska. Just a few ingredients are needed to create the dishes.
Yushoi rice sticks £2.00 - It's a healthy snack made with green peas and alternative to the usual crisps, tho unfortunately not for my tastebuds. I didn't really like them.
Coldpress £1.40 - This came t the gym with me. Delicious cold pressed apple juice. Tho a bit overpriced I think for a small bottle.
Tsingtao £2.00 - it's beer which I'm not a huge fan of. It originates from China and was in the box to coincide with the Chinese New Year.
Finn Crisp £1.20 - These taste pretty good with any selection of fillings or toppings. It's crisp bread and of course Nordic.
Clarks carob fruit syrup £2.39 - I am a big fan of Clarks and more used to their maple syrup. This is a little different being a natural sweetener. It's made with fruits from the carob plant and can be used in drinks and baking.
(DB DISCOVERIES) Crobar £2.25 - Its an energy bar made with nuts, fruit and seeds. Gluten and dairy free and in 2 varieties.
As always you can get your own Degustabox on the website for just £12.99 per month which includes delivery and the boxes come full of surprise full sized snacks and food goodies. They are also on social networks too. - website - twitter - Facebook