Earth? Where every day you get a fresh start, CeliaSue, every thought brings you closer, every word makes you more, every decision is the right one, every baby step makes it easier, every smile makes it happier, and, every tree knows your name.
Plus, I got you, babe -
The Universe
to give her the pills or not to give her the pills, that be the question…
ok, cici has had this rather hard red looking growth on her right rear toe (why is it always something on that same foot?) for awhile now. I had asked the vet about it and she gave me some goop to put on it which I did haphazardly since Cici does not like me applying stuff to any part of her anatomy.
By the way, the thing looks smaller now.
I also sprayed and gelled the thing and it got bigger and bigger, so I got concerned that it was growing larger and called the vet to ask what she thought this thing was. She asked that i take a photo of it and send it to her so I did and i was told to come in for an appointment which i did yesterday. (How come I ask a question and do not get an answer?)
Now, before when i went to this same vet, I did not get a definitive answer / diagnosis about whether she had a tape worm or not either. And she prescribed antibiotics and steroids for her skin issues (itchiness and rashes). I gave them to her for a few days until i decided that the drugs were counterproductive and i went totally with giving Cici all natural treatments. Her skin cleared up, she gained back the weight, and her energy is zooming, puppylike feisty again.
Again, the vet did a few tests and still did not give me a definitive answer / diagnosis about her toe. It could be benign or malignant. It is some kind of sarcoma growth. Could have to have her toe amputated. But the vet was concerned about that the cells seemed to be growing in size. I may have mixed two treatments together that i should not have done in my overzealousness to spray and gel the toe whenever i could do so. But does this mean ANYTHING?
The vet advised me to stop treating the toe topically and again she prescribed antibiotics and steroids.
My dilemma is these drugs have harsh side effects and seem to be the “solution” to a myriad of problems without a definitive diagnosis. If I do not give the pills to Cici, will i be sorry later on? I am not a vet. If I do give Cici these pills will they solve anything?
Decisions, decisions.
We pet parents have to make sometimes life or death decisions about our beloved pets all of the time and we do not always get the best advice from experts. So what do we do?
Intuitively, I think or am I in denial? Cici’s toe growth is benign. So why then did i bring her to the vet? Shouldn’t i have expected the same result as last time from this vet? What do you do when you and your vet do not agree upon treatment? I have been to several vets in this area and one was supposed to be holistic but charges $350 for everything and also prescribed antibiotics and steroids, gave her a shot not a pill.
What do you do if/when you cannot find a vet who you agree with? Do you take it upon yourself to do the research necessary and hope for the best or do you rely upon the experts opinion or a combination of both????
I am feeling quite frustrated and not really wanting to go ahead with this pill regimen. But I also do not want my girl to suffer the consequences if I am wrong.
My precious baby deserves the best care I can get for her AND on a limited budget I can afford limited care. What would you do in my situation, dear readers?