Social Media is a powerful tool for Marketing. With Google monopolizing the search engine land and recurring algorithm updates, online-marketing experts turn towards social media to promote their services and products.
But Admittedly, not all corporate social media account use their Facebook, Twitter and other social media platforms properly. They use it the way they use their personal account, so the results are ineffective marketing strategies.
To help you, here are social media myths and mistakes that you might be doing in your corporate accounts.
Pictures Don’t Matter
Many Companies focus on text updates so they forget how helpful pictures are in engaging followers. In blogging, pictures are long know to improve the readership of a website. This is the same in social media. SocialBaker, a social media analytic company, says that pictures are found to get 93% engagement rate compared to other forms of update in Facebook. Kissmetrics, another analytic tool, says that pictures get 53% more likes, 104% more comments and 84% more click-through by using pictures updates.
Don’t Post Multiple Times
It has been a long debate whether to post the same status multiple times is okay. Guy Kawasaki has the best answer to stop the argument. According to him, “I repeat my tweets because I don’t assume that all my followers are me 24 by 7 by 365.” He adds that on his website, HolyKaw, he repeats tweets four times, in eight hour interval. Posting multiple times help Kawasaki;s site avoid losing 75% of the traffic he often gets.
Say Whatever You Want
As a Corporate account, you should never treat your profiles the way you use your own accounts. You should be responsible in upholding you company’s image and values. Stick posting updates, links and other media that relevant to your company. If you want followers to take part, ask question to entice them. Kissmetrics found that questions, get 100% more comments but lesser share and likes. It is also found that “should” and “would” questions get more response than “why” and “how” questions.
The Longer The Better
Not Because longer status are easily seen in feeds, doesn’t meant it is good to share. Actually longer updates gets lesser click-through than shorter ones. Short updates are not just effective on Twitter, which limits users in 160 characters, but in Facebook as well. It is found that cutting characters to 71-140 characters can give you 60% response rate. Lower it to 70 characters and you’ll improve the engagement to 66%.
You Can Post Anytime of the Day
Your fans are not always online when your online. Once they are, your updates are already filed at the bottom of their feeds. This means less click-through and less traffic. You have to analyze the time your updates are getting better response. There are different studies about the best time to post pictures. But all show the same in getting more engagement on the end of the weel, which peaks during Saturdays. Note that there’s a time gap between posting and user engagement. So, if you get beet response on Fridays and Saturdays, you have to post during Wednesdays or Thursdays.
In Twitter, Saturday updates get better click-through than during other days of the week. On a weekday, tweets posted on 8-9 am gets high click-through, but higher during 1-2pm. This means users tweets more during lunch hours compared to their early morning commute.
Games are Outdated
Starting a game may be an b=obvious way to gain more fans. but lots of people still buy this effective marketing strategy. Buddymedia founds that users engage more in updates with “events” “winning” “promotions” and “contest.” It is also found the 35% of facebook fans like a page just to join a competition.
More Hashtags Means More Traffic
Hashtags should be kept to one or two, and should be used sparingly. Remember, good social media management is all about the contents not the hashtags. Using it the wrong ways can strike against you website. A study founds that a tweet with more than three hashtags get 17% drop in response.
Social Media is an effective marketing strategy but it is ever changing. You have to adapt fast to make the most out of the opportunities that these platforms offer. By knowing these myths, you get to study your social media strategies to improve your company image and sales.
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