Books Magazine

Death Without Cause

By Akklemm @AnakaliaKlemm

trioloTitle: Death Without Cause

Author: Pamela Triolo

Genre: Crime Fiction

Length: 297 pages

Murder mysteries are an easy sell. There’s something innately intriguing about one human being ending another.  I noticed this not only when I worked retail where people impulsively picked up clearance paperbacks with shiny letters over black spines, but also as I toted around Pamela Triolo’s Death Without Cause.

I took it to get a pedicure at the Kingwood College (or Lone Star, rather) Cosmetology department.  It was my mother’s treat for my niece’s birthday and she took me and my daughter along.  It’s a great place to take children for their first, as it’s inexpensive and allows the students to practice on not so picky clients.  It’s apparently also a good place to talk books.

First thing the girl said was how much she loved mysteries.  She talked a minute about her various reading preferences – always a topic of interest to me – and I passed her the bookmark that Triolo included in my copy of the book.  For good measure, the girl took a picture of the cover with her smart phone.  I hope it results in a sale…

Because even though murder mysteries are a dime a dozen – sometimes, quite literally if you find yourself in the right shop – and even though I generally always enjoy them, there’s a difference between a mystery that fills time and one that’s really good.  Triolo’s is really good.

“The nurse was the first and last line of defense for patients,” a character in Death Without Cause observes.  What happens when that defense fails against a calculated and knowledgeable killer?

Triolo is a registered nurse as well as a skilled writer.  Just read the prologue of Death Without Cause and you can’t help but understand why this woman would want to study medicine and write mysteries to boot!  She makes the heart sound solid and sexy and desperately fragile at the same time, an organ too tempting for a psychopath to pass up tampering with.

It’s also clear that Triolo knows what she’s talking about.  She’s not just a writer throwing around jargon she’s heard… I always think of films where the character peeks in the stalled car on the side of the road and says something utterly ridiculous and then walla, the car is fixed… No, Triolo is a nurse, sounds like a nurse, and has captured the ambiance of the hospital hands down.  I was riveted.

For those who like a bit of a romantic twist, don’t worry, Triolo didn’t leave you out – there’s a little budding love story in the background as well.

I anticipate Triolo being a future bestseller.  She radiates the finesse and know-how of others who have written from their career experience… Kathy Reichs, John Grisham, and more.  I look forward to seeing her name in the New York Times one day.  For now, The Houston Chronicle, I’m sure, will enjoy sharing one of Houston’s best with the world.


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