Walking along old Byblos souks where a dozen of restaurants and food stands are busy working… I felt really happy to see people out and about. The place was packed with people looking for a good time out. As for us we wanted to grab a bite before watching Rahbani Summer Night during the International Byblos Festival. Coming across one of the world’s rudest men, I was turned off all night… well until Hiba Tawaji started singing…
We came across a stand – no name – just a stand making twirling potatoes, near another making juice – all in front of a clothes shop. I stopped a minute and enjoyed watching him make the twirling fries. The way these fun creations are made is interesting to watch.
Take a normal potato, put a bamboo or wooden skewer through the middle of it, insert into the potato cutter and turn the handle. Once the potato exit on the other side, it is cut into one continuous twirl. Take the twirled potato and deep fry it. Sprinkle some spices onto the deep fried chip and enjoy.
I took this single photo and I was yelled at by the guy making the potatoes. He screamed: “Enough taking photos, you already took one it’s enough!” That was not all. He actually pushed my hand away. What the hell? How rude is he? Enough for what? What is he hiding…
I was excited and happy to take loads of photos to share with my friends abroad on Instagram. I was proud to share how busy my country is and how people are carefree. But honestly this old man burst my bubble big time.
Dear Old Man: You’re in a tourist area – tourists=cameras=taking pics=DEAL with it. If you don’t want people approaching you, you’re not in the right business and if you don’t want people taking pictures then go open in some lonely street somewhere far…
My friend ended up buying one. It costs 10,000LL. Ouf! a whole kilo of potatoes is not 10,000L.L!! Expensive, chewy and very soggy those are a NO. They are supposed to be crunchy, no? I don’t recommend any of you tries them. It’s a heart burning recipe all night long.
In all cases, it’s people like this man who gives this country a bad name. Service and hospitality…? Where can they be found?