Over the past few month's life has seemed to have fast forward, just a few months ago it seems like it was Easter and now we are only a few short months away from celebrating Christmas. So many things have happened, so many things have changed but over this time my love has continued to grow for you. Today, the day before you start your new preschool I am beaming with pride.
Tomorrow you start school, not "big" school where I miss seeing your face for 6 and a bit hours a day but a preschool that make me feel like you are growing up that little bit more and I am needing to let you go that little bit more. This is not a bad thing for either of us but it has hard to let you go. I have protected your, looked after you, fought for you and done everything in my power to ensure you had the best for the past 3 years and although you are growing up, I will continue to ensure you will have the best for years to come.
Tomorrow you toddle off to school. You will be going into the unknown and that scares me a little. I have explained over and over what is going to happen but it frightens me that you are not ready, frightens me that you may not settle and it frightens me that you may think Mummy and Daddy have abandoned you due to the fact we can no longer take you to your new preschool and you have to get on a bus with people that you do not know, but it will be okay.
Over time and even after your first trip tomorrow, I know everything will be fine. You always seem to settle so well and you are so excited for tomorrow, I hope you understand what is coming. I do not want tears tomorrow but I want you to be happy. I want you to get on the school bus, wave to me and sing song's all the way to preschool. I want you to learn and make friends and try your best at everything that is put forward to you. I want you to have the best day ever and come home and tell me what you have got up, what you played with, what you have read, what you have sung and tell me about all the friends you have made.
Although I am nervous about you going to your new school, I know that it will only help you develop into the amazing little boy you already are and are becoming. You have already learnt so many things in the last few months and all you need is this final push to get you to where you need to be with your speech and confidence. I can not wait to see how you are this time next year when you are starting big school. I think we will have so much to be thankful for towards your new school.
The next year will be hard work. We will have ups and downs, more visits to pediatricians, more visits from people we do not know that are there to help you, a few more worries and homework to complete but together we will do everything that need's to be done so that you can and will achieve your best. We will do this with smiles on our faces and we will start and finish with a positive attitude.
Tomorrow as I wave you goodbye on the bus I will feel that little bit of sadness. I hope I do not cry - tears will not fall because I am sad but because I am happy and proud. I know this is your first step into the big world, that big step without me or your daddy holding your hand. You seem so little to be making this step but I know this will be the making of you. Your new school is the best place for you to attend and whilst I am scared deep down, I am so excited.
Please show everyone tomorrow that little boy we know and love. Please do not be scared. Please grow in confidence and please show everyone the bright, happy, clever boy that you are.
With love on your first day at your new preschool,