Have you ever wished you could tell your favourite books just what they mean to you? Or wanted to give a piece of your mind to the 'must-read' book that you wish you hadn't? Librarian Annie Spence has done just that, writing letters to the books under her care, from love letters to Matilda and The Goldfinch, to snarky break-up notes to Fifty Shades of Grey and The Hobbit.

Annie's letters will make you laugh, remind you why you love your favourite books, and give you lots of new entries for your reading list. She's also on-hand to help out with your bookish dilemmas: recommendations for lazy readers; excuses to tell your friends when you'd rather stay home reading; and how to turn your lover into a reader.
Hilarious, compassionate and smart, Dear Fahrenheit 451 is the consummate book-lover's book.
[Dear The Goldfinch, we've grown apart]***
(@iconbooks, 8 February 2018, first published 26 September 2017, 256 pages, ebook, #popsugarreadingchallenge 2019, a book about a hobby, bought from @AmazonKindle)
I loved every word of this book. Annie is the rockstar of librarians. I would love to be one of her patrons. Books are my thing and libraries are as well. Despite owning over 300 books (print & digital) I still borrow books from my local library. I go there so often they know me by sight and keep aside books they think I might like. They are usually spot on. Isn't that great customer service? I loved the idea of writing love letters and break up notes to books. I could get on board with that. Though I've read so many I'd struggle to choose and give myself a stress migraine. I now have a list of books I want to check out (when I'm done with the hundreds of my own I still haven't read). I also loved the lists at the end of book recommendations.