Title: The Zebra Just Couldn’t Decide
Author/ Illustrator: Duncan Jones
We had the pleasure of receiving a new Duncan Jones picture book in the mail. Years ago, we were privy to his first book. My kiddo attended a book signing of his at Half Price Books in Humble. She has been wearing t-shirts he designed ever since. Needless to say, she was pretty thrilled to discover he had sent her a NEW book.
Advertisements“Dear Duncan Jones,
I think it’s a silly a book because every single animal wants to be the color that they already are. The flamingo wants to be pink and the flamingo IS pink. All rhinos are gray, people know that. The green snake already is a green snake. The wildebeest wants to be brown like the ground and he already is brown like the ground. The zebra just can’t decide and I’m kinda glad he can’t decide, because if he chose the color that he already was, he’d be as crazy as the others. I don’t know why the others want to be the color they already are. I think it’s a pretty silly book, but I like it. And thank you for writing it.
Love, silly me” [Ayla, age 6]