Society Magazine

Dealing with In-Laws, Family, Personal Apostasy/backsliding, Dealing with Mockers

By Elizabethprata @elizabethprata
A variety of links for you to enjoy while I sit here achy and grumpy on day 3 of aches and fever and probably flu.
Aimee Byrd "The Housewife Theologian" writes a thoughtful essay about Revelation's letter to the Church at Thyatira and the danger to a church of tolerating even one person's false doctrines. "I Love Your Love but I Hate Your Tolerance"
From the archives of Andrew MacDonald at The Protestant Standard:
Five Joyce Meyer quotes you won't post on Facebook
Former Catholic and now Christian apologist Mike Gendron has a biblical response to the Pope's recent announcement: Pope Says the Division Between Evangelicals and Catholics Is A Work of the Devil
Pope Francis is the one who is doing the work of the devil by rebuilding the religious tower of Babel as he seeks to bring all Christians back home to Rome. Tragically, some evangelicals are jumping on his ecumenical bandwagon and departing from the faith (1 Tim. 4:1-3).
I'm a special education para-professional and I see what goes into parenting our precious special needs children. Kara Dedert on showing glory to God in doing the the mundane; special needs parenting. Jesus isn't looking for flashy.
Dealing with In-Laws, family, personal apostasy/backsliding, dealing with mockersThe Christian Pundit has some thoughts on Leaving and Cleaving
“A couple should live at least a hundred miles away from both sets of parents for at least the first year of marriage.” That’s what an older couple told us as we rode to church in the back seat of their car. We thought we were doing pretty well by that standard: it wasn’t quite our first year of marriage, but we were 3,000 miles away from all four parents.
Focus on the Family has some thoughts on In-Law Relationships
What do I owe my in-laws? That's an interesting question. Another way to phrase it might be, "As a son-in-law or daughter-in-law, what's required of me? What are my obligations, whether I feel like it or not, in relating to my spouse's parents?"
At Steve Lawson's blog Dustin Bruce has some thoughts about Backsliding: A Tragic but Common Descent
Dealing with In-Laws, family, personal apostasy/backsliding, dealing with mockers
Speaking of personal apostasy, here are 9 Steps Toward Personal Apostasy from George Alvarado. He got them from John Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress, and modernized the language.
"John Bunyan in the classic novel, Pilgrims Progress, illustrates the 9 progressive steps toward personal apostasy. This list is modified and modernized for your understanding. Please read and take heed. Save this in your journal, your computer, or make it your bookmark, but remember this well. I have bolded words that are important elements of understanding. If you want to read this portion of Pilgrims Progress in context, click here."

Robin Schumacher shares How to Unmask a Hardened Skeptic AKA a "scoffer".
It’s important to understand that the Bible advises against continually evangelizing certain people. ... While the warning about such people is easy to understand, what’s oftentimes difficult for the Christian is recognizing the scoffer and heeding the Bible’s advice on dealing with them. To help with this, I’d like to pass along one method that’s worked fairly well for me.
 And just for fun:
Dealing with In-Laws, family, personal apostasy/backsliding, dealing with mockers

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