Lifestyle Magazine

De-cluttering to Do List

By Jayfletch22 @Jayfletch22
Hey everybody!
I have been brainstorming things to do to de-clutter my life. In yesterday's post, I outlined 3 major areas in my life I am looking to fix up. I plan on taking the things on this list step by step, and working on implementing one thing at a time, so that eventually they will become habits, or at least things that I can fall back on if things start becoming cluttered in my life again. So here it all is...
1) cleaning my life/room/car
Go through all the magazines and catalogs in my room and look for inspiration
Start using all my lotions that I have!
Go through old makeup
Use up more of my hair and facial masks
Sort through my clothes and either sell them or give them away
Get rid of the garbage in my car!
Use my current craft supplies instead of buying more!
2) cleaning my mind
Learn to meditate quiet my mind
Recognize when I have negative thoughts and try to make them positive
Read more inspirational books
Learn more about the law of attraction, as well as the other universal laws
3) Clean my eating
Drink less pop, and more tea!
Homemake more things instead of buying microwave meals
Eat less calories so that I can lose weight.
Eat more vegetables and fruits.
So far, I think I have a pretty long, and good list. These things will definitely help me de-clutter my life, and hopefully they will become habits in my life! I'm sure as I go through this list, I will be adding more!
What would you add to this list? Have you done any of these? I'd love to hear about it in the comments!
Thanks for reading!
xo, Jay

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