Entertainment Magazine

DC Rebirth: ‘The Best of the Reboot’

Posted on the 12 September 2016 by House Of Geekery @houseofgeekery

DC Rebirth: 'The Best of the Reboot'

Earlier this year, the Twitter accounts associated with the top people at DC Comics began to display the picture with the word "Rebirth" featured prominently. Immediately I rolled my eyes and went here we go again, another DC reboot. Only four years ago the publisher moved forward with the highly controversial New 52, which brought a sense of darkness and cynicism to the DC Universe which alienated fans. Last year they tried again to relaunch things with Convergence which promised some elements of the past along with creative freedom for the writers and artists to play with. The end result was a mixed bag that messed with continuity more than fans were prepared for. Thus after two reboots that hadn't gotten in right the editorial staff was ready for fan skepticism but after a brilliant showing at WonderCon and a phenomenal One-Shot, they were able to get the readers back onboard with the direction they were headed. Naturally its not perfect, but here are the best things that have come out of DC Rebirth.

DC Rebirth: ‘The Best of the Reboot’

Geoff Johns: A fan favorite creative machine who has a love of the DC heroes and villains which exudes from everything he writes. Though he is not writing a regular book anymore, his fingerprints are all over Rebirth as he consulted with every creator about the direction of their work.Let us not forget his crafting of the One Shot which started it all, in a wise move he made the protagonist of the story Wally West, the character who had become the rallying symbol for everything wrong with the New 52. In a single issue, the acclaimed writer put together a universe spanning tale setting up the DC Universe for a bright future.

DC Rebirth: ‘The Best of the Reboot’

Classic Yet Modern Character Designs: Before departing from the book he and Scott Snyder made a bestseller, Greg Capullo brought his spin to a new costume. In a smart move, the powers that be have kept this redesign of the classic Batsuit. But that's not all, Green Arrow fans could not contain their joy when they saw the return of famous goatee. Even simple moves like returning Nightwing's emblem to the traditional blue have fans happy in a way they have not been in a while.

DC Rebirth: ‘The Best of the Reboot’

Legacy Restored: Possibly the biggest complaint fans had agains the New 52, was the fact that it left the beloved DC history they knew and loved was gone. The rich history of the DC Universe was often what set it apart from its Marvellous competition. On multiple Earths and several decades, the DC Universe is a rich and immersive place for readers to immerse themselves in. One of the key elements of this myriad of heroes are the Teen Titans, now not have many members of the original team of sidekicks reunited but, the current Robin has once again taken on the responsibility of uniting a new team of Titans.Readers have also been given teases that the Justice Society of the past and the Legion of Superheroes of the future will soon return as well.

DC Rebirth: ‘The Best of the Reboot’

Top Notch Creators: After a long exile from the publisher where he did some of his best work, Greg Rucka has returned to DC Comics to tackle Wonder Woman. And he is not alone as an incredible art team has joined him in the form of Liam Sharp and fan-favorite Nicola Scott drawing the character she was born to draw. Also on the return is Ethan Van Sciver to Green Lantern Sector 2814 and the franchise where he did his best work as an artist. In Gotham , Scott Snyder left massive shoes to fill for any writer, and critically acclaimed rising star Tom King has proven more than game to pick up the keys to the Batmobile with an ever deepening mystery. Peter Tomasi and Patrick Gleason, the creative team behind getting fans to embrace Damian Wayne as Robin by bringing a great family dynamic to Batman & Robin, are working the same magic in the pages of Superman. Right now DC is stocked to the brim on talent from legends like; Dan Jurgens, Jim Lee, Christopher Priest, and Keith Giffen; to modern day superstars like; Tom King, Amanda Conner, and Sam Humphries.

Remember if you like what I have to say follow me on Twitter @darknite125

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