Travel Magazine

Day 38: What Represents a Saturday Morning?

By Contemplatingtheclouds @contempclouds

With the sun setting on another Friday evening another Saturday morning is on the cards. Whilst for many this is an exciting day full of fun and adventures – I went to the Edinburgh Farmers’ Market last week – today it is not for me. I’ve spent the morning tidying up, looking at new bank accounts and filling paperwork. Obviously this is a clear indication that I need a life the life of a rock star, but it makes it rather hard to write an interesting blog post (for anyone thinking I should have written it about what I did last night, no I shouldn’t. I went to Sainsbury’s to buy Easter Eggs then came home and almost fell asleep watching TV. Even less blog-post-worth).

So, in the spirit of Forty Days of Photos, I got out my camera and took a few shots in the garden. Due to her interest in/confusion at what I was doing photo 38 is the one of the Keira (our dog). If you click on one of the pictures you should be able to see the whole Gallery.

Saturday, Plants, Photos, Garden
Saturday, Plants, Photos, Garden

A lovely view of our extension...
'What are you doing?' (because dog's can speak, didn't you know?)

Day 38: What Represents a Saturday Morning?

Whatever you’re doing today, I hope it’s a darn sight more engaging than my morning.


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