When we were little we as a family would bake and make loads of Christmas goodies as a family for couple of nights in a row. It was something that me and my brother looked forward to. Mom used to make huge batches of goodies to give away. It sure was an awesome time of fun love and bonding as a family. Now I also make couple of goodies with my family and hopefully the kids will do the same when they grow up :) Here are a couple of goodies that we made this Christmas. We baked sugar cookies, snowballs, fruit cake. We also made some murku/ spicy fried noodles, spicy cashews, baloo shahi/ Indian buttermilk donuts and some almond candies :) Snowballs Fruit Cake Muruku/Fried Noodles Roasted Spicy Cashews Baloo Shahi/ Indian Buttermilk donuts Almond Brittle So what did you make this Christmas?????