Welcome to the second challenge. A challenge filled with a dollop of fun, a spoon of seriousness and an ocean of thinkibility.
And yes, if the introduction sounds familiar, you are right. This challenge is about repetition.
On the Second day of Christmas my true love sent to me
Two Turtle Doves
and a Partridge in a Pear Tree.

The Christmas Carol, The Twelve Days of Christmas, is based upon repetition of pattern and the gift of the previous day is added to the new gift. Bringing conscious awareness to activities you repeat every day during the Festive Season can lead to powerful insights. And repeating an activity everyday can also get your creative juices flowing.

Cristian Marianciuc made a New Year resolution to be more creative so he embarked on his 365-day origami crane challenge. Every day he folds an origami crane and although this may be a simple act and sometimes even a boring act, it can also be a powerful tool. Cristian incorporates a range of art mediums and techniques like watercolor painting, stitching, paper quilling and beading. He also uses organic material like flowers, leaves and lichen.

Why not select a common activity during the festive season and repeat it every day?
You can make a Christmas card every day.
Sustainable Xmas card made out of organic material, paper infused by seeds, or cards that can be transformed into painting.
You can expand the idea behind sending a card and turn into a social innovation. Leaving cards for homeless people to find. . . people in nursing homes. . .
Happy thinking! And we love to hear about your ideas, big or small, serious or silly. . .