Diaries Magazine

Day 100: Reflect.

By Ellacoquine @ellacoquine
Day 100: Reflect.Illustration by Kristina
Holy shit, it's been 100 days already! Wow, let's see what I have accomplished. Absolutely nothing. Well, sort of...
-Met someone new. Never a solution but never hurts.
-Have a longterm goal that I cannot reveal for another 2 months. Sorry guys. But trust me, it's a good one!
-Have another longterm goal that I cannot reveal until inception. Seriously, how annoying am I?
-After 3 weeks with my family, by comparison, realize that getting dumped is not so bad.
-Met wonderful new friends. 
-Reconfirmed the beauty and stability of old and even older friendships.
-Will be turning 30 soon...not really a goal, but certainly a milestone.
-Despite 'Bouncy Betty' and Spanx comments, I have toned up quite a bit and am motivated to continue 'working on my fitness'.
-Am 95% out of my break-up depression and feel refreshed and ready to start the next decade of my life. Something that seemed completely unattainable not too long ago.
-Accept that Monsieur Flaneur
is not the one for me.
-Entered to be nominated in The Cosmo Blog Award contest. If you are bored and can't think of any other blog that should be nominated under the Relationships category, why not give Auntie Ella a nod? :)
-Finally am back to being back to myself a complete pain in the ass. I think my friends preferred it when I was the walking dead
-Got the confirmation e-mail from Foundation 30 Million D'Amis to start volunteering in September!
-Have amazing readers who send me e-mails and write comments. Thank you. Each note is truly appreciated because at the end of the day, we've all been there and it's the compassion and strength of others that get us through it. Again, thank you so much!
Not bad. Let's see what will become of me in the next 100 days which will be about taking action and seeing goals through. I have the strength and the support and with fall upon us, which in my opinion is the true 'New Year', it's time to do this! Allez-up!

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