Current Magazine

David Gregory, Host of NBC’s “Meet the Press,” is Under Investigation

Posted on the 28 December 2012 by Real Talk @talkrealdebate2012

David Gregory holding empty magazineDavid Gregory is under fire for showcasing a “high-capacity” magazine during his Sunday interview with NRA Executive Vice President Wayne LaPierre.  As you may recall last week he held a press conference where he offered the NRA’s “ideas” as to how to limit mass shootings.  One of his ideas was to arm teachers.   Gregory asked LaPierre why the NRA wouldn’t support limiting the use of magazines that hold 30 or more bullets.

The supposed controversy is that it is illegal in the D.C. area (where the show is filmed) to possess such magazines.  Now Gregory is under investigation.  Initial reports suggested that he was refused permission by police officials to showcase the magazine.  However, I just read that he was given permission to showcase empty magazines.  We still don’t know definitively if the prop was properly cleared.

I think the investigation is pretty ridiculous.  I think it is a waste of police personnel.  Gregory was holding an empty magazine.  He wasn’t yielding a loaded semi-automatic weapon.  I think it was a TV gimmick on his part to gain ratings.  I think D.C. police have better and more important things to investigate.

Here is a short clip of the interview and some interesting commentary by a web show:

(I for the most part agree with Gregory’s line of questioning)

What do you think?

Do you think Gregory should be imprisoned?


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