Current Magazine

Dating & Relationships in the US [Infographic]

Posted on the 06 May 2016 by Infographixdirectory @infographixdir

Most young singles in America do not describe themselves as actively looking for romantic partners this day-and-age. Even those who are seeking relationships are not dating frequently and if they are they are not using the right resources to get those dates. About half (49%) had been on no more than one ‘real’ date in the previous three months. In the United States, there is so much social pressure to find a husband or wife.

You graduate from high school (the social pressure even exists there) you attend university (it exists there) and then once you are done you are expected to get a husband! Who cares about a job! (crazy) Your family is already expecting you to plan a wedding, have children all by the age of 30. Let’s be real, this pressure totally doesn’t help!

A survey by the Pew Internet & American Life Project found that dating in America is, indeed, affected by online matchmaking activity. Analyzing this, something was discovered: “Large numbers of single Americans are not actively looking for relationships and even significant numbers of those looking for partners are not that active on the dating scene.” How can this be changed? Find more insights in this easy infographic on dating and relationships in the US.

relationship struggles

Source: CandleLove.Us

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