The Chef looked creepy but he was very nice!
Something I hear a lot of talk about on blogs & in research articles is the divorce rate among parents of special needs kids. That's scary, not really for me, but just in general! I say "not really for me" not because our marriage is so great but because we are both very aware that I married way outside of my league & will never have a chance at a woman near as hot as my wife is. That being said she is also my best friend & the only person who could put up with three boys & a husband with his own unique set of creepy neuroses! Sometime I think that the only time we argue is over autism! That sounds worse than it really is. Jayden has always been & will probably always be an attached at the hip daddy's boy & as a result I am 90% of the time a push over with him! As a coupled result I have to watch myself because I don't want the other two boys to ever feel like they are 2nd to anyone & with Jayden being in home school now I know it sometimes seems to them that Jayden doesn't have to do the same things as them. The younger two are 4 & 6 so it's not really an issue but good habits breed good habits so I really try my best to do 1 on 1 stuff with all three & a lot of stuff as a family as well. All that kid love balancing, homeschooling, me working at the hospital & at the photography studio, Sam photographing & editing, cooking, cleaning, shopping, & all the other stuff that day to day life involves boils down to about an hour or less a couple days a week after the kids are in bed to hang out together. It's very easy for you spouse to take a backseat to life & then your in a rut! We have been to the Zoo, Science Museum, & to the park but my wife & I haven't been out on a date night in....yeah, that long! So when we both had a feeling like we really wanted to spend some time together but also found that there was no way we were finding a baby sitter even for a few hours things looked like a wash out! That's when the boys & I put our heads together!We hit Wal-Mart hard picking out flowers, candles, movies, candy & a quick stop off at Chilies we came back ready to work. When all was said & done I took my wife outside, rang the door bell & a very classy waiter opened the door to seat us!

Our Table At The Fancy Restaurant

Custom Made Menu, FANCY!

Hells Kitchen Much!?!?

Our Waiter {He said this was his "Fancy" face} :)

This guy looks like he is trying hard for a tip!

Our Dinner By Candle Light

Special Movie Tickets {The Theatre Attendant Would Not Allow Photographs!}

To The Movies For Bags Of Popcorn, Candy, & Friends!
This worked out great except for two small hitches.
- My date wore Yoga pants to a super classy restaurant.
- The movie theater attendant got a little sick from the candy & McDonalds he ate earlier in the day & threw up on my & my date just a little bit.