Last year temperatures at the beginning of October for the Great Dixter Plant Fair were a freaky and delicious 30°C. This year the weather still looks to be a balmy 20°C and perfect to enjoy a weekend of superb plant shopping from specialist nurseries at one of my all time favourite gardens.

Not only will your £7.50 also give you entrance into the wonderful gardens (which will still be blazing with gorgeous late summer colour),

but there are over 15 talks throughout the weekend from the specialist nursery owners. These range from Cannas to grasses and bulbs to Salvias. Worth going for these alone I reckon!

And to top it all, they’ll be Dachshund races on Sunday from 11-2pm. These races can get very competitive, so if you time your visit well, you’ll have a very entertaining afternoon.
The plant fair is open both Saturday 6th and Sunday 7th October from 11-4pm and the gardens as usual from 11-5pm. Most definitely worth the trip to East Sussex.