Database management system tutorials
Database management system tutorials for different topics as per the gate cse syllabus are described in this post. Gate cse syllabus for GATE 2020 contains the following topics of database management system.(a) ER‐model.
(b) Relational model: relational algebra, tuple calculus, SQL. Integrity constraints, normal forms. ( c ) File organization, indexing (e.g., B and B+ trees). (d) Transactions and concurrency control. Every year questions of 6 to 8 marks are generally asked in gate exam from these database management system topics. Here you will get various article related to database management concepts , practice sets and examples that will help you to solve the dbms related questions for Gate Exam.

Database management system notes
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1. What is database management system and characteristics of dbms?2.Three schema architecture in DBMS.
3.Data independence in dbms.
4.Database languages.
5.Entity relationship model tutorial.
6.Normalization in dbms and different normal forms.
More articles are coming soon…..
Dbms interview questions
In this section we will learn about different dbms questions to be asked.1. dbms gate questions 2. Uptu-previous-year-questions-paper-for-dbms
3.dbms interview questions and answers. More Article are coming soon…….! Practice Sets