Darkmeyer is the capital city of Morytania, located in the Sanguinesti region. The city is currently inaccessible. Completion of the upcoming Sins of the Father OSRS quest is required to access this city, which is confirmed at Runefest 2019.
The city of OSRS Darkmeyer is split into 3 tiers, each home to a different class of vampire:
1st tier: vampyre juveniles and vampyre juvinates.
2nd tier: Vyrewatch, Elite Vyrewatch, vyrelords and vyreladies. Pickpocketing Vyrelords and Vyreladies requires 60 Thieving, which will roll on a new loot table including the unique Blood Shard OSRS. Elite Vyrewatch OSRS can be killed for an improved loot table.
3rd tier: Elite Vyrewatch, vyrelords and vyreladies.
Essence Mine in OSRS Darkmeyer city
There will be a Darkmeyer’s mine in Darkmeyer which allows you to mine raw daeyalt with at least 75 Mining. The active deposit can be mined to get daeyalt shards, which can be converted to into the daeyalt essence. Daeyalt essence can be used anywhere that pure essence can, offering 50% more Runecraft XP.
Learn the following RuneScape skills using the following:
- OSRS Smithing guide
- OSRS Woodcutting guide
- OSRS Magic guide
- OSRS Runecrafting guide
- OSRS Mining guide
- OSRS Construction guide
- OSRS Farming guide
- OSRS Herblore guide