Books Magazine

Darkling by Emily Corwin

By Pamelascott

Nº5 in the Platypus Press 2412 chapbook series

Poetry is always a mixed bag-people see different things in different arrangements of words and it either speaks to you or it doesn't. It's more emotional. I really loved this collection of short poems-I reread a few of them to glean their entire meaning-beautiful." - Hannah Maree

"Imagine digging in your grandmother's garden, finding a buried box, opening it up, and discovering some short messages. You know they were written to be found. That's what reading these felt like." - Christine Brandel


[if I go under wood, a girl darkling for curse, for meat white, for thistle and sting - HEX]


(Platypus Press, 1 December 2016, ebook, 12 pages, freebie from the publisher)



I loved this short little chapbook of poetry. Each one reads like a slightly warped, darker version of fairytale dripping with sinister images and connotations. The first poem, Hex is amazing, a disturbing blend of sweet and gory. Covet is amazing as well. I especially enjoyed the line like doll blood, doll in a pale sheet. Actually, all of the poems are amazing. Please can I have some more?

Darkling by Emily Corwin

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