Food & Drink Magazine

Dark Chocolate Drizzled Ginger Butter Cookies

By Mariealicerayner @MarieRynr
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I don't mind admitting it.  I'm having a kind of a blah day.   I think everyone has days like that from time to time.  It's like I'm running on empty today and my battery just feels low . . .  low . . .  low.  I am totally lacking in energy and inspiration.  Totally.
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 Todd says I get up too early in the morning.  I wake up every morning about 5:30.  It doesn't seem to matter what time I go to sleep.   I just wake up at that same time.  It's a good thing I do though because if I didn't I wouldn't have enough time to get everything done in a day that I want and need to get done.
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There just are not enough hours in the day.  This morning I made these cookies, and a cake to take to the church barbeque and I also made some hot sandwiches.   Now it's going on for supper time and I can't be asked.
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Do you ever get like that?   Just totally lacking in everything?  Nothing you can put your finger on, but . . .  everything just seems to be dull and lacklustre.  Not even these cookies perked me up, and that is saying something.
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Coz they're fabulous cookies.   Buttery.  Crisp.   Stogged full of lovely sweet little nuggets of candied ginger . . .  slathered in a thick drizzle of melted dark chocolate.  Maybe I'll feel better tomorrow.   We shall just have to wait and see I guess.  I suppose every day can't be totally inspiring . . .
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*Dark Chocolate Drizzled Ginger Butter Cookies*makes a couple dozen
Printable Recipe
Butter, crisp and rendolent of lovely sweet and spiced ginger flavours, accented by a dark chocolate drizzle.
225g of butter, softened (1 cup)110g of caster sugar (1/2 cup)few drops of ginger extract275g of plain flour (scant 2 cups, sifted)4 TBS finely chopped candied ginger50g of melted dark chocolate ( 2 ounces)
Preheat the oven  to 170*C/325*F/ gas mark 3.  LIne a large baking sheet with baking paper.Cream together the butter, extract and sugar until light and fluffy.  Beat in the flour and stir in the ginger bits.  Roll into walnut sized balls.  Place a few inches apart on the prepared baking sheet.
Press down with a fork.  Bake for 13 to 15 minutes until light golden brown and just firm on top.   Leave on baking sheet to cool for five minutes before transferring to a wire rack to finish cooling.Drizzle the tops decoratively with melted chocolate.   Allow to set prior to storing in an airtight container.

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