I've been on a bit of a manga binge lately, and one of the ones I've enjoyed the most is Girl Friends. The first volume was adorable and such a slow-burn romance, though there was some internalized homophobia. The second volume is more from Akko's perspective, which made me enjoy it even more. While Mariko was agonizing over her feelings for Akko, Akko was quick to realize that she returned them and delighted to be dating her.
Instead of internalized homophobia, most of this volume dealt more with romance trope-y misunderstandings as conflict. It was nice to see them get together, and there's really pretty minimal angst after that point. I was worried that they might dismiss their relationship as juvenile as they got closer to graduation, but the text takes them seriously as a couple. They talk about how they're going to come out to friends and families, and how they see each other in their futures.
This was a sweet, fluffy read that completely sucked me in. I'm a little sad for it to be over! Girl Friends isdefinitely a series I'd recommend, especially for teenagers wanting to read a cute romance between girls in high school.