Fashion Magazine

Damn It Feels Good To Be A GaNg$Ta

By Desiree68 @pullyoursocksup

A dear friend told me yesterday, "You don't realize how strong you really are".
I think she's right.
She looked me in the eyes and said it straight.
And that's how it really is for so many of us.
We don't always realize when we're strong because we have to be tough all the time.
There are those like me who should probably have it tattooed on their eyelids.
That's GaNg$Ta.
I've been feeling like a GaNg$Ta all week after casting off body aging hangups like a python sheds its skin in spring.
Thank you, all of you for sharing your thoughts and helping us all to be strong.
Fuck anyone who tells a woman how she's supposed to feel and look at a certain age.
Darling Bella of Citizen Rosebud bared her heart in her Pin Up or Shut Up post on our celebration of the body beautiful, while privately harbouring prejudices about our own body shape.
And Vix of Vintage Vixen had a wonderfully heated rant about how feeling awesome and sexacious is simply a state of mind.
At any age.
Damn It Feels Good To Be A GaNg$Ta
Damn It Feels Good To Be A GaNg$Ta Vintage tutu, earrings, pink and silver bird ornament - op shops Vintage fur cape, bow headband and shoes - second hand market Necklace - custom made by Phussy Tights - Sock Dreams
Damn It Feels Good To Be A GaNg$Ta
Damn It Feels Good To Be A GaNg$Ta
Damn It Feels Good To Be A GaNg$Ta
Damn It Feels Good To Be A GaNg$Ta
Damn It Feels Good To Be A GaNg$Ta
Damn It Feels Good To Be A GaNg$Ta
Damn It Feels Good To Be A GaNg$Ta
Damn It Feels Good To Be A GaNg$Ta It seems the stars were aligned for friendship and love this week when this GaNg$Ta Goddess was spoilt rotten by fellow hard-arse, soft-hearted wenches, some of whom have shared health ups and downs on their blogs.
First up was Sarah Misfit who snapped up this amazing, huge 1970s cake tin for me from an op shop and stuffed it full of goodies.
The Stylist and I have been haggling over the scrumptiously warm 1980s cotton velour jumpsuit and she won out this week, wearing it to bed every night!
Damn It Feels Good To Be A GaNg$Ta
Damn It Feels Good To Be A GaNg$Ta
Damn It Feels Good To Be A GaNg$Ta The adorable Vintage Bird Girl and I fiiiiiiiiiinally met up for coffee and a yarn.
She is precious, kind and compassionate and I just wanted to hug her all the time ... of course we both wore green because we understand the power of the best color of all time.
She spoilt me with scrumptious gifts, including an amazing granny bag made from a bath mat, bling-bling and a fab print of Deborah Kerr which immediately joined the Wall of Wenches in our lounge room.
Damn It Feels Good To Be A GaNg$Ta
Damn It Feels Good To Be A GaNg$Ta
Damn It Feels Good To Be A GaNg$Ta And then out of the blue, look what arrived from Sarah Misfit's bestie, Miss A!
She sent me this INCREDIBLE 1970s maxi with semi-sheer lace daisy bodice and sleeves.
And it's a perfect fit - GAH!
Damn It Feels Good To Be A GaNg$Ta She also sent me a beautiful 1950s purple veiled cocktail hat, gifts for The Stylist, books for the lads, and bling-bling, including a fecking amazing GaNg$Ta-sized lion-head necklace.
I nearly died.
Damn It Feels Good To Be A GaNg$Ta And check out the red stitching and rose embroidery on this fabulous 1970s black jacket for The Stylist.
Damn It Feels Good To Be A GaNg$Ta
Damn It Feels Good To Be A GaNg$Ta
Damn It Feels Good To Be A GaNg$Ta 1940s frock - gift from The Hornbag aka Helga Earrings - gift from darling Miss A Bag - gift from lovely Vintage Bird Girl Belly dancer's belt - gift from sexalicous Sarah Misfit Vintage necklaces - Etsy VW Melissa shoes - NYC Melissa sample sale
Damn It Feels Good To Be A GaNg$Ta I jingled about doing my Friday chores and medical supply pick-ups, much to the amusement of a young Indian family who stood stock-still to stare at the weird noisy lady with all the Eastern jewelry hanging off her.
Damn It Feels Good To Be A GaNg$Ta
Damn It Feels Good To Be A GaNg$Ta I'm calling this fabulously GanNg$Ta 1980s gown The Dingbat, due to its fabulous wing-like appendages highlighting one's derriere.
I snaffled it up from a Facebook friend who was selling off some gear to, of course, make room for more pretties.
Damn It Feels Good To Be A GaNg$Ta
Damn It Feels Good To Be A GaNg$Ta
Damn It Feels Good To Be A GaNg$Ta Vintage lucite bangle - a gift from The Phoenix Awesome gangsta necklace - from Ada Prada Evil eye earrings - Etsy shop, Bones Couture Feather cape - second hand Damn It Feels Good To Be A GaNg$Ta Don't bury yourself alive, be fucken GaNg$Ta.
Damn It Feels Good To Be A GaNg$Ta
Damn It Feels Good To Be A GaNg$Ta
Damn It Feels Good To Be A GaNg$Ta And stay GaNg$Ta baby.
Love Desiree xxx

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