During 2020 lockdown in India, Dalgona coffee was the ultimate trend. Let us tell you little more about the Dalgona Coffee. So, this very famous coffee is an eponymous dessert famous in South Korea. Now, might be tempted looking at the pic of coffee then it's my responsibility to tell you the recipe, Huh! Here we go :
Dalgona Coffee Recipe
Dalgona Coffee Ingredients -
- Just add 3 spoons of coffee powder to hot water and add some sugar. Now the real thing comes, beat it till you see it foaming. Now that ultimately means beat it till your arms get sore.
- I suggest if you are really in a bad mood and wanting to throw some anger out then here is your cue.
- Now when you finally see the foam,add some cold milk and ice to it. Enjoy your coffee in your balcony with sunset.
Featured Image - Cookpad.com/uk/recipes
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