Sushil Rai with Diwakar Basnet
It was indeed a matter of pride that eight students from eight different schools from different part of Sikkim was selected to be part of new television series “Teenovation” to be telecast on ZeeQ!, the edutainment channel of Zee TV, very soon. The eight schools included Enchey SSS, Sang SSS, Middle Camp SS, East Point SSS, Singtam, Dalapchand SS, Temi SSS, Yuksam SSS and Lingchoom SS. The highlight of the show will be the efforts put on by these innovative students in the process of recycling and reuse of waste and plastic materials. I am happy to find Sushil Rai, my student from Dalapchand SS among the list of the selected students. This little wonder kid now studying at Calss VIII was also part of the Bee Fest Top 12 Innovative finalist last year representing Dalapchand SS among the 150 plus schools from different part of Sikkim. On this joyous occasion, I would like to thank Diwakar Basnet (Chief Learning Officer, 24 Hours Inspired) and the person behind the success of our Sikkim’s students at this “Teenovation”.