Society Magazine

DAILY PHOTO: St. John in the Wilderness

By Berniegourley @berniegourley
Taken June 23, 2015 in McLeodganj

Taken June 23, 2015 in McLeodganj

This Anglican church dates to 1852 and was built for British troops stationed here back when Dharamsala was a British garrison town. (FYI: Dharamsala retains a large military base to this day and thus is still a military town in a sense, though I doubt there is a significant number of Anglicans among the officers or enlisted troops these days.)

This hand-cut granite structure was said to be one of the few that survived a major earthquake in 1905.  It features a bell that has survived damage and attempted thievery.

By in India, photographs, Photos, pictures, Tourism, travel on July 19, 2015.

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