Society Magazine

DAILY PHOTO: Spiraling Sun Salutations

By Berniegourley @berniegourley
Taken October 16, 2013 at Indira Gandhi International Airport.

Taken October 16, 2013 at Indira Gandhi International Airport.

In the Delhi airport, there is a series of 12 bronze sculptures set up on a spiral platform that together demonstrate the yoga sequence called Surya Namaskara (i.e. Sun Salutation) The sculptor is Nikhil Bhandari.

I think this was a nice move. If ever one needed yoga, it’s in an airport–having been packed into a tiny space for hours and with high stress about whether one will get where one wants to go, it’s the perfect place to bust out the yoga.


By in India, photographs, Photos, pictures, Tourism, travel, yoga on December 10, 2013.

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