Society Magazine

DAILY PHOTO: Fruity Flower Sculptures

By Berniegourley @berniegourley
Taken January 26, 2014 at Lal Bagh Gardens

Taken January 26, 2014 at Lal Bagh Gardens.

So, I spent an hour Googling what the correct term was for a “sculpture” made out of flower blossoms. I’m sure there’s some lingo used amongst the Flower & Garden Show crowd (but you must need to know the secret handshake.)

However, after viewing the websites for many flower shows around the world from Philadelphia to Hong Kong, all I was able to learn is that–whatever they are–these examples from the Bangalore Republic Day 2014 Flower Show… well, they aren’t good. I hesitate to say this because someone may come back and say, “You monster, those [whatever they are] were constructed by children with Down Syndrome.”

If that is the case, I  stand corrected and must say that those are the finest examples of [whatever they are] that I have ever seen made by children with Down Syndrome.  I may also be showing my ignorance of Down Syndrome because perhaps children with Down Syndrome do ikebana like Rain Man counted match sticks–which is to say freakishly well.

The [whatever they are]  just seem a little misshapen compared to those from, for example, the Hong Kong Flower Show.  If the Hong Kong arrangements are the X-Box 360 version, these are clearly the mid-1980s Atari Pong version–not that there is anything wrong with that.

By in funny, Garden, humor, India, photographs, Photos, pictures, Tourism, travel on March 21, 2014.

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