Society Magazine

DAILY PHOTO: Bangalore Beef Market

By Berniegourley @berniegourley
Taken on March 16, 2014 in Bangalore.

Taken on March 16, 2014 in Bangalore.

Taken on March 16, 2014 in Bangalore.

Taken on March 16, 2014 in Bangalore.

You may be curious about whether one can get a steak or a burger in the land in which McDonald’s restaurants substitutes [chicken] Maharaja Macs for the iconic beef Big Mac. Indeed one can, and it’s not that hard to find, nor that expensive–though it does often involve going a little out of one’s way. A typical supermarket–if they sell meat–sells only chicken and mutton (the two globally non-offending meats–except among the vegetarian/vegan crowd.)

As one might expect, the beef trade is dominated by Muslim merchants.

I couldn’t recommend this particular place. (I have a robust digestive system by Western standards, but eating a steak acquired here would probably kill me instantly.) While you could probably get an animal butchered right there–insuring the ultimate freshness–I suspect these are mostly the garbage-eating cows seen around the city. The fact that there is a pet store attached to the beef market and that carrion eaters are constantly circling overhead is enough for me to shop elsewhere.

The Beef Market is located quite near the Russell Martket, near Commercial Street.


By in Cuisine, food, India, photographs, Photos, pictures, Tourism, travel on March 18, 2014.

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