Society Magazine

DAILY PHOTO: Astrologer Sign

By Berniegourley @berniegourley
Taken in September 2013 in Bangalore

Taken in September 2013 in Bangalore

This is one of the most recognizable signs in India. You’ll find them in ever neighborhood. There are many Indians who are firm believers in palm reading and astrological forecasting. Of course, there are a lot who aren’t as well. When you have a billion people, you’re going to have a lot of people who do everything (in absolute terms, even if it’s a small percentage.)

Of course, these businesses are not all connected by a guild or anything like that (as far as I know), they’ve just developed this universal signage–the palm. It’s brilliant. You don’t need to worry that the reader can read whichever of India’s 1,000 languages that you wrote the sign in. (This one is in Kannada, by the way.)  On an almost unrelated note, but one which interested me, I heard that the McDonald’s sign is now a more recognized symbol globally than the Christian crucifix–but I don’t know how scientific that is. (The tie-in was branding.)

I’m always doubly skeptical when an astrologer approaches. Surely if they were worth their weight they’d know that I don’t put stock in forecasting of any kind whatsoever–not even statistical forecasting which (mis)uses sound mathematical principles.

By in India, photographs, Photos, pictures, Tourism, travel on October 3, 2013.

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