Society Magazine

DAILY PHOTO: Ajanta Sanctuary

By Berniegourley @berniegourley
Taken on November 19, 2014

Taken on November 19, 2014

There are two types of caves at Ajanta; chaitya-grihas (a.k.a. sanctuary, prayer hall, or meditation hall) and sanghārāmas (a.k.a. vihāras or monasteries.) This is an example of the former, of which there are only a few. In fact, it (cave 26) is the most ornate of the Ajanta sanctuaries. Sanctuaries are distinguished by domed roofs and the presence of a stupa, which is a monument that is typically dome-shaped but need not be so flashy as this one–sometimes they are simply mounds. The sanctuaries also have fanlights (like a transom) that bring in more light than the monasteries.


Cave 26 also houses the carving of the reclining Buddha that I’m presently using for my header image.


By in archeology, Buddhism, India, photographs, Photos, pictures, Tourism, travel on November 28, 2014.

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