Food & Drink Magazine

Dahlia Butter Cookies (Kuih Semperit 花开福贵牛油饼)

By Awayofmind

Dahlia Butter Cookies (Kuih Semperit 花开福贵牛油饼)
This Dahlia Butter Cookies was on my baking list for long, but I didn't take any action thinking I'm not good in cake pipping. I was wrong! One day when I was searching on the web, I chanced on Nasi Lemak Lover's blog, she shown us the tool she used for her Dahlia Cookies which make me think that I should try baking one. 

I tried on a few pipping tips but it is the Wilton 847 big nozzle that work for me. I pushed and pipped the dough using my fingers without the pipping bag. This is actually a beautiful festive bakes with its unique rose aroma, of course who can resist the melt-in-mouth cookies. This cookies really make me feel that Chinese Lunar New Year is near!!

这是好久以前就想烘焙的牛油饼,那时的我看了以为很难的挤花后来才知道不难!所以说在生命里没有不能成的事,难在人心成事在人!我用了不同的挤花尝试,后来找出Wilton 847 大挤花头是用手直接把面团塞进花嘴挤出的。这是一道很漂亮的应节牛油饼,我想大家都会喜欢它那独得的玫瑰香还有酥滑的牛油口感。 这道牛油饼真的把过年的气息带来卡达尔了!

Thanks Jane for the recipe and Sonia for showing how to pipe the Dahlia Flowers. This recipe is a keeper as it doesn't distort the shape of the flower after baked!!

Dahlia Butter Cookies (Kuih Semperit 花开福贵牛油饼)

Dahlia Butter Cookies (Kuih Semperit 花开福贵牛油饼)

Dahlia Butter Cookies (Kuih Semperit 花开福贵牛油饼)

Ready for the oven!
Dahlia Butter Cookies (Kuih Semperit 花开福贵牛油饼)

Dahlia Butter Cookies (Kuih Semperit 花开福贵牛油饼)

Dahlia Butter Cookies (Kuih Semperit 花开福贵牛油饼)

Dahlia Butter Cookies (Kuih Semperit 花开福贵牛油饼)

Dahlia Butter Cookies (Kuih Semperit 花开福贵牛油饼)

125g butter
50g icing sugar
1/2 tsp rose essence
1 egg yolk
110g plain flour
100g corn flour
20g potato flour
a few drop of pink food colouring 


1. Preheat oven to 140C. (oven temperature may varies depends on the capacity of your oven)
2. Line baking tray with parchment paper.
3. Cream butter with hand whisk to light, gradually add the icing sugar, whisk until it is light and pale. Add egg yolk and rose essence. Mix well.
4. Sift the flour together, add into the butter-egg mixture, stir with spatula until combine.
Knead the dough with hand until smooth. 
5. Take 1/3 of the dough, mix with a few drop of pink food colouring. Knead the dough well.
6. Put some plain dough and some pink dough in the big nozzle, push it out using your thumb, press out the dough on the prepared baking tray.
7. Bake at 140C for 20~25 mins until the cookies is slightly brown. Take out the baking tray and cool the cookies on wire rack completely before keep in airtight container. 

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