I was lucky enough to have my Dad fly down from Chicago last Monday and stay with us for a few days before venturing down to Amelia Island for a car show this past weekend. The man is on the go since he retired almost two years ago and we love that he's able to come down and see Lily when he can!
My Dad is one of those people that can never sit still. He's constantly working on projects or wanting to help us redo something. While visiting with us, he offered to paint our back porch and give it a bit of a face lift. Our house is currently is about 15 years old and while Zach is extremely handy at many things around the house, one of his least favorite projects is painting ha! He was thrilled when my father offered to help and we grabbed the paint we needed at Home Depot for him to get started.
He did such a great job and we're so thankful he was able to do something like this for us while we both worked. Lily also loved the quality time with her Pa, laughing and giggling at everything he was saying. My Dad loves to share lots of great stories, jokes and we quote too many movies and TV shows in an average conversation. Sometimes people just don't get our humor or conversations because we add one liners all the time. Yeah..that's just my family.
We loved the quality one on one and can't wait for him to come back in about a month and a half to visit his new grandson! It's getting so close you guys! I feel as if I have so much to do but we've been pretty good at keeping everything organized ( I even have a hospital bag packed just in case in the car ha ). The rest of our weekend was a relaxing one as we've been running around since January!
I finally got my massage that I was going to get last week ( it was ah-maz-ing my friends! ) and my nails done. It's the little things that make this pregnant Mom happy you know?! Sadly since the weekend was pretty gloomy and rainy, we kept inside, played a few games, cleaned, watched Moana FIVE times ( yes my toddler is obsessed ) and relaxed. Only a few more weeks until the chaos begins! Oh and for those asking about my ultra sound appointment last week, I found out our son is currently in the 90th percentile for his head and 70th for his circumference. He's already weighing 5lbs 4oz at 32 weeks! Can we say large baby?! Wish me luck..this could get interested in the next few weeks for sure!
How was your weekend?