Life Coach Magazine

Cynical? You May Be Hurting Your Brain.

By Tombasson @tombasson


According to new research, being cynical doesn’t just make you a bummer to be around, it may also cause actual brain damage.

A team of researchers at the University of Eastern Finland surveyed nearly 1,500 people – gauging their level of cynical distrust by their responses to statements such as “I think most people would lie to get ahead.” They found that the risk of developing dementia in later years was three times higher in the participants who were more cynical than those who demonstrated low levels of cynicism.

“These results add to the evidence that people’s view on life and personality may have an impact on their health,” the study’s author explained in a statement. Other studies have shown that people who are cynical also have higher rates of heart problems and cancer.

So how do you stop yourself from becoming too cynical? I have no idea, but maybe this article will help: How to Stop Being a Cynical Asshole.

It probably won’t though. ;)

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