For the 7th time, a group inspired by the yoga of Synthesis of Master CVV gathered for a weekend: “Experiment, Experience, Expression” is the motto of these group livings of meditation and sharing. (I blogged also about the last 3 meetings.) This time we met around spring equinox in a seminar center on the countryside between Hamburg, Hannover and Berlin. The seminar house Drawehn in Kassau is a beautiful old farm with a round hall on a meadow called “Mandala” – an ideal setting for the CVV Sharing 2016. 18 persons came from Denmark, Germany and Switzerland, and even from Delphi, Greece.
The 7 members of the preparatory committee had proposed to focus again this year on meditation with a rhythm of alignments/prayers all 3 hours and exchange – no discourses, only short inputs/thematical introductions. The prayer times were longer to enable deeper experience. Additionally, there were pranayama sessions. The days concluded with the prayer of Mystic Mantrams “Dip deep…”.
As an introduction, all members were asked to bring something to create our own “mandala” in the space, be it an object, a text, a symbol… There were group sessions, based on practical and own experiences, on “What is my heart burning/yearning for?” or “What is meditation to me?” or a playful exchange about the 40 Criteria for Yoga given by Sri Kumar August 2014. In other sessions we discussed “What moves us/ what is happening and moving us inside?” or exchanged in “Open Space” meetings about topics based on practical spiritualism raised by the participants.
Saturday evening there was a sharing of inspirational inputs – a video clip on “The Aquarian Zodiac”, an inspiring text by Master EK, a little guitar concert… We also read and spoke about the words of Master KPK on the quality of the new annual cycle. Sunday morning we met at 5:15 am to celebrate the entry into Aries with some thoughts about the energy of the present time and a meditation. After the morning prayer there was a fire ritual in the courtyard of the farmhouse.
Towards the end of the seminar, we had an intense exchange about the future development of the CVV Sharing meetings. All participants felt deeply inspired and uplifted by the group living. And when we left, the fire of inspiration was shining in all eyes and hearts.