Politics Magazine

Cutting Social Security Won't Fix The Budget

Posted on the 27 April 2013 by Jobsanger
Cutting Social Security Won't Fix The Budget
Cutting Social Security Won't Fix The Budget
Cutting Social Security Won't Fix The Budget I'm getting very tired of all the lies about Social Security. Social Security is not the cause of a single penny of the budget deficit (because it is funded through a dedicated payroll tax paid by workers, and not by the federal government). Even conservative icon Ronald Reagan knew that. And he also knew that cutting Social Security would not balance the budget (since it didn't create the budget deficit). So it's time for Congress to stop searching for sneaky ways to cut Social Security benefits (like the chained CPI method of figuring inflation). Just leave Social Security alone, and pay back the money borrowed from the Social Security Trust Fund.
If you really want to cut the budget deficit, then spend more money helping the poor and creating jobs -- which will create more taxes and taxpayers as it creates demand and new jobs. Then eliminate subsidies for the corporations, ban the tax advantages for outsourcing, and tax the funds they are hiding overseas. And raise taxes on the rich, so they pay a bigger percentage than the middle class does (and tax all income as earned income).
Those things would eliminate the budget deficit. Cutting benefits for Social Security would not. Stop lying to the people!

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