Here we go, the gavel drops again. Rumors are circulating that the latest thing that our “esteemed” Chairmanwoman, Beth DaPonte, wants to do is suck money out of Stratford’s EMS, to the tune of about $100,000 to $200,000. Of course, salaries aren’t affected because EMS is staffed almost entirely by volunteers, at zero pay, and per diem (daily) Emergency Medical Technicians and Paramedics, whose pay ranges is about $19-$23/hour with no overtime or bennies. So, where will that money come out of? Operations, of course, which means less money for ambulances, medical equipment and supplies.
Madam Chairwoman, wouldn’t it be better to institute furlough days or a moratorium on raises for say a non-union Town Employee or School Administrator?
What say you Madam Chairwoman?