I'm sure we're all thinking right now, YES it's Friday and holy cow it's already April!? I swear, March flew by so fast but maybe that's because we were busy every single weekend with something going on. I can't complain as I love being busy and spending it with friends and family, but I do enjoy some R&R on occasion. April is no better, with an upcoming visit of my Dad coming to Atlanta, a wedding for one of our best friends and my Sister/Brother-in-law and niece Harper vising at the end of the month! Luckily, June seems to be wide open for fun in the sun!
I wanted to change it up here a little bit on the blog to share what's been going on currently at our household!
Feeling: Tired. It's been a lot keeping the house clean, cooking meals but also enjoying quality time with friends and family. Work is also keeping me busy so I tend to be a bit exhausted when I get home.
Watching: I've somehow began re watching Grey's Anatomy again! I used to watch it all the time in college but dropped off somewhere my senior year. Now that I'm working out about 3-5 times a week, I've been finding myself watching re-runs while I run. Thank goodness Netflix has all the seasons so I've been binge watching! Oh McSteamy and McDreamy!
Eating: Thanks to my husband whose still kicking butt with his Biggest Loser competition at his office, we've been eating a lot healthier ( and trying to shed some pounds for summer approaching! ) I'm loving snacking on crunchy peanut butter and celery and Lily is going crazy for pears that my Grandmother sent from Harry and David for Easter. yum!
Drinking: Coffee. I'm still managing a cup a day with lots of yummy hazelnut or french vanilla creamer.
Listening: The radio at the moment. I'm waiting for a few good songs to come on!
Wanting: Summer. This may be the first time in almost 10 years where we don't have any big summer plans ( besides my 30th birthday in July! ) but I'm so excited for long walks around the neighborhood and BBQ's with friends.
Wishing: That people would count their blessings and not take life for granted. Earlier today I was watching AshyBines Snapchat and bawling over a video she shared about a family whose last moments with their baby was captured. Of course it's something that you're thinking on 'what would you be watching that?!' but it makes you take a moment to stop and realize how life isn't fair and we aren't granted tomorrow. Take time to tell people you care, love and appreciate them.
Loving: This amazing product Madonna and Co for curly hair. I don't have curly hair but I have extremely wavy hair and this miracle worker really helps the frizz out. With it's lasting moisturizer, my hair feels silky and soft.
Reading: Our new book club novel, It Was Me All Along . I just got the novel from the library and can't wait to read it with you all this month. Whose joining #CaitsCozyBookClub ?! Make sure to # it on your social platforms so I can say hey!
Working On: A few fun projects coming to the blog! I have some fashion posts, an amazing giveaway and fun things for you. Just get excited because I already am!
Contemplating: What to even do or plan for my birthday this year. Do I want a party? A big or small one? Lucky for me, it's on a Friday so should I even take the day off, even though my vacation time is extremely limited at the moment? The best news is that my sister is coming to visit and I can't wait!
Excited For: a fun weekend filled with girl time with my best friend, getting our hair done and enjoying time together. I'm also excited that my Dad will be here next week to help around the house! Did I mention we have a full month of visitors coming to and from Atlanta?! Good thing I have these cute welcome baskets to make their stay enjoyable!
Oh and if you have any good pranks let me know! Happy April Fools!
Tell me what you're excited for this weekend!What are you reading and loving?