Books Magazine

Current Reading List Update

By Pamelascott


This is just a quick note to say I have stopped reading The Accursed by Joyce Carol Oates for the moment. I’ve bitten off more than I can chew at the moment.

A Place of Greater Safety by Hilary Mantel is quite a dense read and a door-step novel of almost 900 pages. I want to get into it. I am also reading The Bachman Books by Stephen King and the second collection I’ve been asked to read for The Alchemy Press. I just don’t have time for another door-step novel like The Accursed.

Apologies to anyone who was looking forward to a review. I will pick it up again in a few weeks. I just realised three of the novels I got out of the library recently are door stops. I need to get them out of the way first.

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